
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Two great reviews are a wonderful birthday present

It is my birthday tomorrow, Nov. 30, and I just got two wonderful presents.

The San Francisco Chronicle reviews Towers of Gold and says it is "a marvelous resource, a dramatic slice of Western history and a splendid read."

Read Abby Pollack' review here.

The Los Angeles Times calls the book "impressively researched and engagingly written."

And Towers of Gold debuts at #3 on the San Francisco Chronicle best seller list on Nov. 30


Anonymous said...

Hooray Frances! How totally thrilling; and no, I can't imagine a better birthday present. Savor it!!! Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Frances,

I read the review in Sunday's paper and immediately bought the book! My grandfather was Samuel Jack Hellman, and I believe he was the grandson of Isaiah Hellman. My mother, who died 9 years ago, was Margie Hellman, and we knew just a little of our family history. She grew up in L.A., and we used to visit my grandparents on holidays. I'd love to know if you have any more info on Isaiah. I am a freelance writer, went to Stanford in the 70's and live in the city with my family.


Julie Muller Mitchell

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I know you've earned it and much more.