
Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Judith Miller Acts Heroically (Not)

Judith Miller apparently has sold her story for $1.2 million to Simon & Shuster. The catch? It means she might not write about it for the New York Times, the paper that has stood behind her despite her atrocious reporting on WMD and her curious behavior in the Valerie Plame case. Instead, Miller will save her explanation for those willing to pay for her book.

She sort of explains herself to the paper:

"I'm sure I did many things that were not completely perfect in the eyes of either First Amendment absolutists or those who wrote every day saying 'Testify, testify, you're covering up for these people,' " Ms. Miller told a gathering of her colleagues in the newsroom. "The pressures were enormous. I did the only thing I could do. I followed my conscience, and I tried to follow the principles that I laid out at the beginning."

In news we can rally around, Kepler’s Bookstore in Menlo Park will reopen on Saturday, October 8. Fans of the historic store rallied over its closure and a new $500,000 investment will keep it going.

The annual Litquake Festival – an amazing weeklong celebration of books and authors – will start with a howl, I mean a bang, this year. Dozens of authors will read poetry on Friday to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the first public reading of Allen Ginsburg’s famous poem, Howl. The Oct. 7, 1955 event marks the unofficial start of the Beat Movement. The Chronicle’s Heidi Benson writes a retrospective on Howl.

The Friday event is called Howl Redux, and features Lemony Snicket, Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown, Michael McClure, Amy Tan, and others.

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